4 Top 14 clubs want to sign Xan Mousques

RUGBY TRANSFERS – According to Sud-Ouest and Rugbyrama, four Top 14 clubs want to sign Xan Mousques (19 years old, ) with a big favorite.

at theRowing Bayonnaisthe major maneuvers for next season are launched, with the arrival of Laurent Travers next summer. The current president of Racing 92 will become rugby director of the Basque club and therefore get closer to the field. Bayonne also finalized the arrival of its first recruit, the South African scrum-half Herschel Jantjies (28 ans, Stormers).

Xan Mousques close to UBB

If the Basques managed to extend two talents, Pierre Castillon (21 years old) and Esteban Chapel (21 years old), they are about to lose a third, Xan Mosques. The 19-year-old full-back caused a sensation in his first Top 14 matches by scoring three tries in as many matches, while playing as a winger.

At the end of the contract with theRowing Bayonnaishe did receive an extension offer, but should not act on it. THE Stade Rochelais exchanged with the young 19-year-old player while the Stade and the HR also inquired about the file. But ultimately none of these three clubs should win, since Xan Mousques would be close to theUnion -Bègles. A two-year contract awaits him in and he could sign it in the near future.

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Transfers Stade Toulousain: Possible turnaround for Pierre-Louis Barassi

RUGBY TRANSFERS – According to Actu Stade and Tanguy Scigala, international center Pierre-Louis Barassi (26 years old) could finally stay at Stade Toulousain next season.

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