A time threatened by a real estate project, the Lumière woods of Noisy-le-Grand classified as a natural zone

A time threatened by a real estate project, the Lumière woods of Noisy-le-Grand classified as a natural zone
A time threatened by a real estate project, the Lumière woods of Noisy-le-Grand classified as a natural zone


Augustin Delaporte

Published on

Dec 19 2024 at 7:42 a.m.

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It is now confirmed, the wood Light from Noisy-le-Grand (Seine-Saint-Denis) is saved. The small urban forest, once threatened by a BNP real estate project, was classified as a “natural leisure zone” in the local intercommunal urban planning plan (PLUI) of the 14 communes of the territorial public establishment (EPT) Grand Paris , approved by the territorial council on December 17, 2024.

Land use rules for the next 10 years

This brand new structuring document, which replaces the municipal PLUs previously in force and which sets the main urban planning guidelines of the territory by 2035, has been under development since July 2018.

Now available online, it contains all the rules applicable to the issuance of town planning authorizations for the next ten years, materialized by a captioned map including all plots of the 14 municipalities concerned.

On it, the Lumière wood now bears the mention “NI – Natural leisure zone”, which means that the territorial authority recognizes it as having real environmental interest and wishes preserve its natural character.

The Lumière plot is marked “NI – Natural leisure zone” in the PLUi approved on December 17, 2024. (©Screenshot)
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As a reminder, the RENARD association (gathering for the study of nature and the development of Roissy-en-Brie and its district) had, in particular, revealed in a study the presence of two protected bat species in this 2.2 hectare undergrowth.

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