historical record of attendance on the Tisséo network

historical record of attendance on the Tisséo network
historical record of attendance on the Tisséo network


Lea Afonso

Published on

Dec 18 2024 at 7:46 p.m.

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This Wednesday, December 18 marks a new turning point in the history of Tisséo. The Toulouse public transport network has just passed the bar 200 million validations on its entire network bus, tram, metro, teleo, park and ride, bicycle and train.

An increase of 6.7% compared to 2023

With more than 200 million Tisséo ticket/card validations, for 139 million tripsthe attendance of the entire Toulouse public transport network is clearly increase of 6.7%compared to 2023. A significant percentage, which represents nearly 12.6 million additional validations over one year.

According to Tisséo, 57% of validations come from the metro and almost a third from the bus.

A good figure for the network, which experienced a peak in attendance this year thanks to the Machine show last October. Indeed, 1.73 million validations were recorded on the network in three days.

120 million euros in commercial revenue

Tisséo estimates that from here fin 2024the number of validations will exceed the 206 millions. Thus, more than 40 million kilometers have been covered across the entire network. A level of production also increasing, by 4% compared to the previous year.

Such figures which make it possible to achieve 120 million euros in commercial revenue, an increase of 9% compared to last year.

Videos: currently on Actu

New offers for 2025

For the start of the school year, no new resolutions for Tisséo, but rather new offers. The Linéo 12 will be put in place. It will connect Borderouge to Rangueil, over 14.5 km and with 36 stops.

The Linéo 7 is also arriving and will connect Paul Sabatier University to the Saint-Orens swimming pool. A new line for the future connection with metro line C.

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