the vote shifted by Bruno Bernard, the opposition protests

the vote shifted by Bruno Bernard, the opposition protests
the vote shifted by Bruno Bernard, the opposition protests

This Wednesday, SEPAL was to vote on the new Territorial Coherence Plan for the metropolitan area (SCoT).

But while the elected officials of the Metropolis of Lyon, the Community of Communes of Eastern Lyon (CCEL) and that of the Pays de l'Ozon (CCPO) had met to determine the model of development of the territory for the twenty years to come, Bruno Bernard took everyone by surprise.

In fact, the environmentalist president of the Metropolis decided to postpone the vote, even though the session had started.

“Blocking a vote for fear of losing is unprecedented. This demonstrates the President's absolute control over this decisive tool that is the SCoT, in essence a tool for sharing a vision for the future. As often, the President of the Metropolis of Lyon has demonstrated its lack of respect for mayors and local elected officials who represent the inhabitants of the region”protest the right-wing elected officials of the Metropolis, the CCEL and the CCPO.

According to them, Bruno Bernard “persisted in proposing a SCoT which would have unbalanced our territory and seriously compromised its future”. And therefore condemns the territory to wait until 2026 to reopen the case.

Gilles Gascon, Daniel Valero and Sylvie Carré are now calling for a more “serene, methodical and in dialogue” you SCoT.




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