the house of a young man riddled with bullets when he returned from the evening

the house of a young man riddled with bullets when he returned from the evening
the house of a young man riddled with bullets when he returned from the evening

After a drunken evening, a 24-year-old young man living with his parents in Macau saw his home and his car riddled with a dozen bullets on Sunday.

The mobile remains “nebulous” after the victim's hearings on Monday. The day before, around 5 a.m., Sunday in Macau, in , this Girondin's car and his parents' house, where he lives, were riddled with a dozen bullet holes. The young man, aged 24, and his parents were sleeping at the time of the incident. He was drunk in his bed. He was taken back to the scene in this intoxicated state. The circumstances of the evening he spent outside, however, are still unclear to investigators at this stage.

The investigation, opened and carried out by the Gironde gendarmerie, is currently on the trail of the denunciation of similar facts, which allegedly took place the same night in Blanquefort. The investigations must nevertheless still demonstrate that the two elements are linked and above all that shots were indeed fired in Blanquefort, where the anonymous denunciations do not seem to correspond for the moment to the reality on the ground noted by the scientific police.


Bordering the metropolis, the town of Macau adjoins the towns of Mérignac and Saint-Médard. It is defined by the authorities, according to our sources, as a “historical delinquency zone north of Bordeaux” where drug trafficking and criminal associations, particularly in the context of burglaries, flowering.



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