Léna Mahfouf unveils a new pop-up in this weekend

Léna Mahfouf unveils a new pop-up in this weekend
Léna Mahfouf unveils a new pop-up in Paris this weekend

The French's favorite influencer is back with a new pop-up in ! A few days after entering the famous Grévin museum, Léna Mahfoufaka Léna Situations, invites herself to the food market Hello Bichat this weekend with The Post Office Box”a unique experience for take stock of yourself a few days before the new year.

Write a letter to yourself

In just over three weeks, we will finally say goodbye to 2024 to make way for a new year, we hope, full of nice surprises. If, in numerology, theyear 2025 East synonym of balance sheetso now is the right time to take stock of the last few years before starting a new cycle. That’s good, because in December, Hotel Mahfouf and Tinder invite us to take a well-deserved break with a unique pop-up.

Desires, aspirations, ambitions, relationships with oneself and with others… At the “Post Office Box”, you can come write your thoughts on paper for free at the heart of an intimate letter which will be sent to us a year later. A nice way to share your emotions and finalize your resolutions for the coming year, or even to address a little sweet word for our future “me”.

A place to meet and relax

But that's not all! Designed as a friendly and open placethe “Post Office Box” is also a place for meet new people with people who share our values, interests or passions. After writing their letter and placing it in the box provided for this purpose, each participant will be able to choose from a selection of thank you cards with varied messages. He/she will then have the opportunity to give them to someone present during the event, to a loved one, or to people you may meet in the street.

A “Café de la Poste” will also be there with a drink specially created for the occasionthe “It’s a Matcha”. Finally, a series of talks and meetings with experts on various themes will be ensured December 14 from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.upon registration. The “Post Office Box” will then fly towards on December 20, 21 and 22, 2024at the Le Passage restaurant.

La Boîte Postale Hôtel Mahfouf x Tinder

Hello Bichat
29-31, rue Bichat – 10th
From Friday December 13 to Sunday, December 15, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Talk with the experts on December 14 from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. – upon registration
More info



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