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a big bang of waste in the Convergence Garonne region

The Convergence Garonne community of municipalities (CdC), which brings together the municipalities around Cadillac and Podensac, has just announced the transfer of its waste competence to the Entre-deux Mers Waste Syndicate (Semoctom). Objective: harmonize and rationalize the management of household waste in the 26 municipalities on both banks (1) from January 2025.

Why change? Today, 17 municipalities operate with an incentive fee system, nine others with a traditional fee. Two systems inherited from the merger of the communities of municipalities in 2017. Another fundamental problem: unpaid bills represent a cumulative 1 million euros of shortfall. Recovery is a real headache. The ever-increasing obligations for waste treatment also weighed on the decision of elected officials.

Harmonize operation

Semoctom therefore becomes the exclusive partner of Convergence Garonne. The union currently manages bins in 85 municipalities. It will gain weight in 2025 and will have 140,000 inhabitants. In figures: 140 agents, 60 vehicles including 20 household waste collection bins, and seven recycling centers with the addition of that of Virelade.

The introduction of the tax (Teom) will be effective on 1is January 2025. Its amount, which will no longer be linked to the number of inhabitants in the household, will appear on a dedicated property tax line. The tax will be calculated based on the rental value of the property and will be multiplied by the single rate voted by the CdC in April 2025. It will appear on the property tax notice of October 2025. According to the president of the CdC and Mayor of Cadillac Jocelyn Doré, this change in calculation method will affect approximately 30% of households on the rise, but will benefit the remaining 70%. Landlords will have to recover the amount of the tax from their tenants.

In addition to the change to the tax, the change in collections will be effective from March 3, 2025. Black bins will only be collected every two weeks. Same rhythm, alternating, for the yellow sorting bins. The trucks will therefore pass every week. You will just have to remember to take out the right trash the night before (read below). A personalized calendar will soon be available in all town halls.


Door-to-door collection of bulky items will cease on December 31, 2024. Residents will have to take them directly to one of the seven recycling centers managed by Semoctom: Saint-Loubès, Tresses, Saint-Germain-du-Puch, Saint- Léon, Saint-Caprais-de-, Béguey and Virelade. Beyond 18 visits per year, the service will be billed. For professionals, billing conditions will depend on the volume of household waste and sorting bins.

A Cadillac meeting room was full for the Dec. 2 public meeting.

Patricia Callen


The public meeting held on Monday, December 2 at Cadillac town hall proves that these changes are worrying. If the waste reduction objectives, which must go from 520 kilos per inhabitant to 420 kilos by 2030, have been understood, the transition to the tax is seen as an injustice by some. The intervention of a single mother from Preignac, who will have to pay more for the waste service, was applauded: “I am an owner but precarious. » Some left the room, expressing their discontent out loud.

The Portets public meeting on December 3 was calmer. Next meeting at the Landiras multipurpose room on December 9 at 6:30 p.m.

(1) Sainte--du-Mont remains attached to the Sictom du Sud-.

What to remember

Case 1, you are subject to the incentive household waste removal fee (Reom): last invoice sent or collected in January 2025. End of invoicing by weight or lifting. Municipalities concerned: Arbanats, Barsac, Budos, Cérons, Guillos, Illats, Landiras, Podensac, Portets, Preignac, Pujols-sur-Ciron, Saint-Michel-de-Rieufret, Virelade, Cardan, Lestiac-sur-Garonne, Paillet, Rions .
Case 2, you are in classic Reom. Last invoice sent in September 2024, declaration between October and December 2024, balance invoice in January 2025. Municipalities concerned on the right bank: Béguey, Cadillac-sur-Garonne, Donzac, Escoussans, Gabarnac, Laroque, Loupiac, Monprimblanc, Omet.
Until February 28, 2025, collection days remain the same. From March: Monday in Illats and Podensac; Tuesday in Arbanats, Pujols-sur-Ciron, Saint-Michel-de-Rieufret, Virelade, Béguey, Cadillac-sur-Garonne, Cardan, Escoussans, Gabarnac, Laroque, Lestiac, Loupiac, Monprimblanc, Omet, Paillet and Rions, Thursday in Budos, Cérons and Guillos; Friday in Barsac and Preignac.
Information on 05 57 34 53 20 and on



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