: a tree crashes on a motorcycle between… the driver and his passenger

: a tree crashes on a motorcycle between… the driver and his passenger
Yvelines: a tree crashes on a motorcycle between… the driver and his passenger

An incredible story. Of all the professionals who intervened in the accident, none had to deal with this type of care in their life. A man was driving his motorcycle this Saturday, early in the afternoon, on the national 186 in the direction of St-Germain-en-Laye- when a tree crashed into the two-wheeler, at height of the commune of Chesnay-Rocquencourt. But even more unimaginable, the tree fell between him and the young woman who accompanied him in the back.

The two victims, aged 26, were treated very quickly by emergency services, around 2:30 p.m. If the driver escaped without significant damage, the passenger was thrown by the branches more than 20 meters from the site of the impact.

Conscious at the time of the firefighters' intervention, she nevertheless suffered from serious head trauma and numerous injuries, particularly to her head, face, shoulders, arms and thighs. The latter was transported by the Samu, in a state of absolute emergency but without a life-threatening situation, to the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital (13th century).

Five years ago, a 29-year-old tourist had to be airlifted to the Beaujon hospital in (Hauts-de-Seine) because a tree branch, approximately two meters long, had fallen on her while she was was walking with her friends on Island in Andrésy (). She then suffered from a sinking of the chest.



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