Cressensac-Sarrazac. Around fifty walkers at the Telethon

Cressensac-Sarrazac. Around fifty walkers at the Telethon
Cressensac-Sarrazac. Around fifty walkers at the Telethon

Sunday, December 1, at 2 p.m., in front of the multipurpose room of the Saint-Jean Hospital, around fifty people gathered to participate in a hike on the occasion of the Telethon organized throughout by the French Association for Myopathy . Jean-François Salze, resident volunteer, was mandated by the town hall for this organization.

After specifying that there was a box in the room to collect everyone's donations, he briefly retraced the history of the school in the historic commune of Sarrazac before organizing a tour of the hamlet, explaining house by house the life of yesteryear The walk continued in the forest where, during a stop, the history of the ancient forest of Belz, ancestor of the forest of Turenne was told.

The walkers then took the Roman road above Muzac Castle, the walkers crossed the Gnome Forest.

Then, passing near the bourgeois house of Couzenac, a few words were said there, a final commented stop was devoted to the barn where Antoine Delmas' mill was originally located.


This mill was donated in 1993 by the Delmas family to the town hall and it was the association for the Protection of Heritage which built a traditional Quercy hall to house the mill. Since then, this mill has produced oil four to five times a year thanks to the Moulin d'Antoine association.




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