“We’ve been warning for months”: the rant of a restaurateur after the burglary of his establishment

“We’ve been warning for months”: the rant of a restaurateur after the burglary of his establishment
“We’ve been warning for months”: the rant of a Nice restaurateur after the burglary of his establishment

“We are on the second square in , under the main camera of the municipal police… A man was able to quietly rob my restaurant”is indignant Anthony Bastiand, manager of La Maiounon Garibaldi Square.

Around 1:30 a.m., during the night of Thursday 5 to Friday 6 Decembera man forced entry to the restaurant by picking the lock on the veranda, then breaking the glass of the main door.

He then walked towards the crate, which he simply snatched.

The burglar simply snatched the cash register. Photo A.R..

“He left with around 200 euros. But what annoys me is everything else. The damage first: the door needs to be changed, as well as access to the veranda, the windows and the cash drawer. Insecurity on the squarethen: we've been warning about tensions over Garibaldi for months.”


“I noticed the damage when I opened the restaurant this morning, he continues. That means thatno police patrol passed by there during the nightexclaims the manager, also owner of The Staircasea well-known address in Old Nice.

The burglar forced entry to the restaurant by picking the lock on the veranda, then breaking the glass on the main door. Photo A.R..

Early in the morning, the national police came to see the damage and took fingerprints and photos.

She also recovered the CCTV footagewhich we obtained.



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