The guest –
Pedestrian rotisserie: a dream project of the City
A former MP comments on a recent project by the City of Geneva.
Michel Ducret, EPFL architect *
Published today at 06:53
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A priori, I note that the project presented in the “Tribune” of December 3 under the title “Paving stones to cover the Rôtisserie sector” is in total contradiction with the pedestrianization of Rues-Basses, which provided for the postponement of service traffic from these arteries via the rue de la Rôtisserie and rue du Vieux-Collège, including for cyclists!
This project is not very consistent with this choice, especially since we are in a period of disappearance of businesses, due in particular to the insane increase in mail order sales – and its induced delivery traffic – against which it is necessary to fight to ensure life in city centers. A danger greater than that which the peripheral shopping centers represented for them.
By offering a space for strolling and leisure, not only does this project contradict the original devolution of these streets, but it also creates new competition with existing spaces that today we are already struggling to see survive outside of shopping. . Another problem is the frenzied use by cyclists, at high speeds, of roads theoretically reserved for public transport in the pedestrian zone, which causes numerous incidents, even accidents. With this project, cyclists will be even more dissuaded from using the route theoretically planned.
-The published image is misleading on this point, because paving, although a very wise choice for the reasons explained in the article, remains extremely unfavorable for cyclists, particularly in unfavorable climatic conditions. It should also provide smoother “foot pass-throughs” for prams, wheelchairs and high heels, not forgetting older people who often struggle to lift their feet sufficiently. Today’s paving stones, often Chinese, are often less smooth than in the past!
Finally, let us note that if the current traffic is considered “intense”, it is not the work of users who are not “right holders” since the Rôtisserie leads nowhere and the only possibility of turning around from the entrance from rue du Vieux-Collège is in the area that would be developed. The start of the traffic limitation will de facto be postponed to this single access and the local businesses in whole or in part as well as the postal agency will therefore probably be condemned, in particular the last public establishments still open in the evening.
In conclusion, once again, incorrigible, the City of Geneva crowns a dream development project which gives more to see than it results from an essential reflection on a realistic use of the space concerned!
* Former deputy to the Grand Council
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