Grinding machine attacks, 785,000 euros in damage: a dismantled network and arrests in Haute-

The operation was called “Kasaforta”. This cell bringing together investigators from the Central Office for the Fight against Itinerant Delinquency (OCLDI), the research brigade, (Haute-Garonne), and the Besançon research section was created to dismantle a group itinerant organized criminal.

Between July and November 2024, businesses in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, , Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and the were targeted by criminals who acted at night and in an organized manner to cut up safes with a grinder. and steal cash, report our colleagues from Southwest. The first events in this long series took place within the jurisdiction of the specialized interregional jurisdiction (JIRS) of , and a judicial investigation was opened last August.

Three individuals placed in pre-trial detention

In total, 23 burglaries across took place for total damage estimated at 785,000 euros, the Bordeaux public prosecutor's office announced this Thursday, December 5.

Between November 25 and December 1, seven suspects of Albanian or Kosovar nationality were arrested as part of the rogatory commission issued by the investigating judge. These individuals were arrested in various French departments (Tarn-et-Garonne, Savoie, Haut-Rhin, ) but also in Haute-.

In its press release, the Bordeaux public prosecutor's office specifies that “the judicial operation mobilized 71 gendarmes and seven police officers to achieve this result.”

At the end of their police custody, three individuals, aged 35 to 50, were indicted for the acts of theft by an organized gang and participation in a criminal association. They were placed in pre-trial detention.




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