How WWF wants to reinvent the narrative of ecology

How WWF wants to reinvent the narrative of ecology
How WWF France wants to reinvent the narrative of ecology

« We must all engage in an exercise of introspection and recognize that the way we talk about ecology does not work, insists the president of WWF , Alexandra Palt. For example, “the survival of the human species” doesn’t mean anything to people. » It has long been believed that poor communication or a lack of scientific knowledge were the main obstacles to action. Then, the discussions moved towards economic and financial issues, as evidenced by the COPs.

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As for the European Green Deal, it is above all a legal project, solid but vulnerable, because the legal framework can be unraveled, she recalls. Whether scientific, economic or legal, these speeches do not speak to ordinary mortals.

« We have neglected an essential dimension: citizensshe asserts. We must tell them a story that makes sense in their daily lives, that speaks to them, and above all, that gives them the desire and the power to act. Because it is this power to act that leads them to action. »

Counter the negative narrative

Invent new stories to make the transition desirable. The subject is not new. It has even been flourishing for several years. In turn, WWF France launched a dedicated initiative this week. In a context more polarized than ever, the NGO claims to be apolitical, recognized for its concern for the common good, and capable of bringing people together beyond divisions.

« The period of great tension that we are going through favors the expression of the vilest instincts as well as the noblest “, underlines Alexandra Palt, who recalls that all over the world, women and men, very often far from the spotlight and whose voices are heard too little, act with remarkable energy: in the countryside, in businesses, in start-ups. up, the social and solidarity economy, associations…

“The horizon that I set for my mandate as president of WWF France is that of popular ecology. » It is with this objective that the NGO began work on the story, “ to counter the narrative negative which sets in little by little. »

The chosen modus operandi? A think tank bringing together scientists, democracy experts, economic players, finance representatives and grassroots activists. This met for the first time this week. With one objective: to develop messages capable of attracting the support of as many people as possible, by explaining to everyone why these issues concern them directly.

« Breathe, drink, eat, prepare a desirable future for yourself and your children. On all these subjects, there is a broad consensusobserves Alexandra Palt. Many people aspire to something other than a model centered on overconsumption. But the alternative model remains to be reinvented together. »

Stories submitted for consultation

Beyond the content of the messages, it is about multiplying the messengers: “Credible personalities and relays capable of carrying this message to citizens who must feel respected, listened to and concerned at the same time “. In the spring, the WWF will submit these first messages to various panels (artists, writers, business leaders, scientists, etc.) so that they can relay them and test them in their circles, particularly via social networks.

Then it will launch a large-scale consultation process with one of its partners, with the ambition of creating in June 2025 a major unifying moment whose form remains to be defined: a major communications campaign, a television program, or other.

« We must rekindle the flame. And I remain convinced that France and the French have this extraordinary potential to question, to reinvent, and to trace the contours of a new civilization. concludes Alexandra Palt.

See you in the spring to verify the validity of this optimism.



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