More than 230,000 euros were distributed in one year to victims of domestic violence in Côte-d'Or
Credit : Photo d’illustration K6FM
On the occasion of the first anniversary of the implementation of Assistance for victims of domestic violence put in place in December 2023 as part of the Interministerial Plan for equality between women and men “All equal” 2023 -2027, the Caf de la Côte d'Or delivers its first report. This state aid paid by the Caf thus makes it possible to benefit from immediate financial support to take shelter and cover the needs of the victims in the short term.
More than 280 aid paid from December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024
In an amount calculated according to resources and the number of children, the aid, available on request from the Caf, is paid in one installment within 2 working days. In the first months after its implementation, Caf paid an average of 25 aid per month. The more than 280 aids represent a total amount of more than 230,000 euros, with an average amount awarded of €840 per beneficiary (variable depending on the beneficiaries' resources and their family situation).
Accessible and fast support
The assistance is open to any person residing in France on a regular basis who is a victim of domestic violence, whether a recipient or not, regardless of their family situation or their resources, provided they provide proof such as a complaint or a restraining order. protection.
The national assessment
33,440 aids were paid by the 101 Caf, with 2,500 aids paid each month, for a total amount of around €29 million, with an average amount awarded of €875.53. For Nicolas Grivel, general director of the National Family Allowance Fund, “During this first year, the Cafs provided daily support to the beneficiaries of this new aid, respecting a strict deadline, since the aid was paid in an average delay of 4 days. This service embodies a major social and societal advance, designed to be used freely according to the needs of each individual. At the dawn of this new year, it is essential that no one feels trapped by financial constraints. »