Pascal Broulis proposes the creation of a State Secretariat for Transport –

Pascal Broulis proposes the creation of a State Secretariat for Transport –
Pascal Broulis proposes the creation of a State Secretariat for Transport –

Faced with the proliferation of planned or ongoing infrastructure projects, costing several tens of billions, Switzerland must establish a State Secretariat for Transport. This is the credo of Vaud state councilor Pascal Broulis (PLR), who will table a motion to this effect on Thursday, he announced on Wednesday in the Infrarouge show.

A State Secretariat for Transport “would make it possible to simplify procedures – therefore not necessarily create additional positions -, to better use resources, to set priorities and to work in consultation”, argues the Vaudois in the program Infrarouge.

Concretely, this secretariat would be responsible for controlling expenditure and investments, but also for the proper distribution of funds between road and rail.


The supervision of a State Secretariat, which would be created without additional staff but thanks to synergies between the competent offices, in particular the Federal Office of Transport and the Federal Roads Office, would also make it possible to “ensure that all regions are well served by different modes of transport”, estimates Pascal Broulis.


“This is also the role of a Secretary of State: to work with the territory and the cantons and find intelligent coordination for Switzerland,” summarizes the PLR ​​State Advisor.

Alexis Favre




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