Challenge to the majority pact by Mons en Mieux: Guillaume Soupart questions the ethics and legality of the document within the Walloon Parliament

Challenge to the majority pact by Mons en Mieux: Guillaume Soupart questions the ethics and legality of the document within the Walloon Parliament
Challenge to the majority pact by Mons en Mieux: Guillaume Soupart questions the ethics and legality of the document within the Walloon Parliament
The majority of the Mayor’s List-PTB-Ecolo has just been installed in Mons… An appeal could already be filed by Mons en Mieux!

“We have organized two municipal councils, so that municipal agents can become aldermen”he declares and then mentions the situation of Mr Lafosse. “As an opposition, we believed we could have a say in the new majority pact and that was not the case. It was not public, at least, for the opposition”pleads the Montois.

“Do you find it normal, legal and ethical, that the majority pact which was voted on in the Mons municipal council has not been presented to the opposition? Do you think that we should vote again on the majority pact as that it was actually requested by the majority?” he then asked, during the plenary session of the Walloon Parliament.

François Desquesnes reassures and recognizes his responsibility “within the framework of legality and on the other hand in conformity with the general interest”he points out as an introduction to his response. This will ultimately only be an invitation to make a formal request, with supporting evidence.

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“As long as I am not presented with a file with factual elements, it is obviously difficult for me to comment. If, as you mention, I receive documents and a request to examine a file, I will immediately transmit it to my administration for the most rapid examination, as is the case for any challenge within the framework of the electoral process”, replies the Walloon Sonegian minister.


“I can, however, specify that a majority pact, in fact, must in principle be filed on the second Monday of the month of November. However, this is a statutory deadline and therefore a strict deadline. Several pacts of majority can be filed, and it is also possible that the recommendation of the circular is that we examine them in the chronological order of their filing, but it is not prohibited to present them in another.”

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A first form of response which he concludes on the need to remain impartial in the examination of files, “in particular in annulment supervision on equality or the general interest. I will not comment further on the file without having been asked for a formal request.”

This finding, deemed irregular by Mons-en-Mieux, was deemed compliant by the Mons mayor, Nicolas Martin, who previously mentioned that the procedure was validated by the supervisory authority, after a specific verification. “We had anticipated things in order to be irreproachable. We obviously did well.” It will now be appropriate for the Mons opposition to put together a file to have these elements analyzed.



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