They want to introduce in mainland to young people from Mayotte: they are calling for help


Clement Mazella

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Dec 4 2024 at 6:15 p.m.

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“Some people didn’t realize it at the time. But those who understood immediately, they jumped up, so happy.” Marine and Pierre, both currently teachers at Mayottenourish a hell of an idea: organize a trip to mainland (in the Basque Country and Langon) for 16 M16 players from Rugby Club Boueni to meet local rugby teams.

Search for financing

Organizing such a trip is not easy. And above all, it requires funds. Accommodation, transport, plane tickets, on-site activities, equipment, insurance… according to initial estimates, we are around 50,000 euros. Far from being a straw.

Marine (RCB treasurer) and Pierre (M14, M16, M19 manager and RCB Senior player), but also the 4 other planned supporters, have decided to launch a prize pool to finance this superb project and above all, make it a reality. A sort of SOS sent to the world of rugby, which has proven its magnificent solidarity for ages.

Raising 20,000 euros would be invaluable help. The goal would not be to hang around too long, because the more time passes, the more the price of plane tickets (item number 1 of expenses) increases.

To help the U16s of Rugby Club Boueni: the prize pool.

When a “shopping center” tilts

It was Marine, originally from , who had the idea for this somewhat crazy adventure. “I always said to myself that before coming back, I would like to bring young people to the mainland so that they can discover it. Here, it's Africa, close to Madagascar, with the infrastructures that I'll let you imagine. Basically, I thought about the young people at the high school where I work. But I lacked the basic project to validate my idea,” the teacher tells At the time of Rugby.

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Finally, it was a rugby tournament in Mamoudzou, the capital, or more precisely a visit to a “shopping center”, which clicked in Marine’s mind. “I brought 4 players to this rather small shopping center. I remember their looks when they discovered the escalator,” she recalls.


For them, who came from the south of the island, 1 hour from the capital, it was as if they were in an amusement park. There were smells that they had never smelled, the height of the shelves impressed them, and it made me decide: they were the ones I wanted to bring to mainland France.

Marine Mazzer
Teacher in Mayotte, treasurer and coach at Rugby Club Boueni
Within the Boueni Rugby Club, playing conditions are precarious. The U16 players even lend each other crampons during the match, some not having the means to buy them. (©Photo provided by Marine Mazzer)

Discover another planet

Obviously, when this journey in mainland France was presented to them, the U16s of Rugby Club Boueni welcomed it with happiness. “Several do not have French nationality, they had come to terms with the idea that they would never take a plane, they would never come to France even though that is the dream of many,” Marine tells us.

Since the announcement, they have a smile when we talk about this trip, it's really nice. The island is small, some don't have and they don't know what else is like. The idea would be to bring them to another planet.

Marine Mazzer

Another planet which would therefore be the Basque Country, where Marine comes from, and Langon, where Pierre comes from. A Stade Langonnais which has already sent a lot of equipment (jerseys, shorts, crampons) in solidarity so that young people, many of whom have almost no means, can practice rugby in better conditions.

Rugby Club Boueni has 50 members today. Pierre and Marine worked to develop the youth teams. (©Photo provided by Marine Mazzer)

Pierre taught them rugby

Marine, but also Pierre, have done a lot for the local rugby club. Pierre has been following these kids since year 6e. “It was he who talked to them about rugby, who taught them and made them love it,” says his partner, with a touch of gratitude. Both opened several youth sections (M14, M16 and M19) at RCB.

Bringing them to the South West of France, the land of rugby par excellence, would make sense for this U16 group. “We have a list of 16 players. Among them, some are in an irregular situation, and therefore we have put together a file with the prefecture to obtain a collective passport,” explains Marine. “We're not sure we can bring them all. Perhaps the number of players will be reduced, but we are starting from this base of 16 players.”

Regarding all parental authorizations, it is in progress. The program is not yet final. It needs to be refined. As you will have understood, a lot of things depend on the funds that can be raised…

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