good weather, despite clouds on the highs in the afternoon and 32 °C

good weather, despite clouds on the highs in the afternoon and 32 °C
good weather, despite clouds on the highs in the afternoon and 32 °C

The sun shines on almost the entire island at dawn, this Wednesday, December 4, 2024. A few drops quickly moistened the coastline towards Saint-André and Saint-Benoît. This afternoon, the cover is installed on the inside. Light showers are expected along the northwest slopes and the volcano. The coastline is bright, despite the cloudy periods.

This morning begins under the sun. The few clouds circulating in the East brought small showers at daybreak, but they were quickly forgotten. “No change in weather for this Wednesday, status quo in the sky of Island with a few clouds in the morning over the eastern region, the sun dominates everywhere else”specifies Météo- La Réunion.

This afternoon, cloudiness sets in inland and along the slopes. Small, anecdotal showers are expected on the heights of the South and in the North-West sector. The volcano maintains radiant weather.

A slight rainy deterioration is expected overnight, from Wednesday to Thursday, on the coast between Sainte-Rose and Saint-André.

The general east-northeast flow is weak. A regime of breezes dominates. Gusts, of 45 km/h maximum, are expected in the Saint-Denis sector and towards the wild South.

The temperatures are still so high. Forecasters expect 30 to 32°C by the sea, 24 to 26 in the cirques and 19°C at Maïdo and Pas de Bellecombre-Jacob.

The sea is not very rough in general and very slightly rough in areas exposed to the trade winds.

AM forecast map

The weather on December 4, 2024 is bright, despite the presence of clouds and a few showers this afternoon.

©Météo-France Reunion




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