What is the value of the series “That’s !” » on 2?

What is the value of the series “That’s !” » on 2?
What is the value of the series “That’s Paris!” » on France 2?

When his father died, Gaspard took over the management of a once-successful cabaret in the capital, Le Tout-. But the revue, with its naked dancers wearing feathers and sequins, is no longer profitable, and the forty-year-old has decided to follow his wife to , where she wants to open a guest house, and to sell the establishment to a chain of supermarkets. All that remains is to announce it to its loyal employees…

At the helm of the last season of Ten percent, Marc Fitoussi turns out to be much less inspired when it comes to diving behind the scenes of this very special little world of Parisian nights: the sprawling intrigues of the countless characters are so poorly articulated that we don't get attached to any of them. them.

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Numbers as clumsy as they are caricatures

Moreover, the actors, out of place, perform acts as clumsy as they are caricatures, Alex Lutz, Nicolas Maury and Dominique Besnehard in the lead. We would have liked more dancing and less chatter. That really failed!

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That’s Paris! *, by Marc Fitoussi, with Alex Lutz, Charlotte de Turckheim, Anne Marivin. Six 52-minute episodes. Available, and Wednesday at 9:05 p.m. on 2.



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