The administrative site of Crédit Agricole de Lorraine en Meuse is maintained

The administrative site of Crédit Agricole de Lorraine en Meuse is maintained
The administrative site of Crédit Agricole de Lorraine en Meuse is maintained

The announcement was made yesterday to the 76 employees of Bar-le-Duc. A huge relief after an intense struggle to prevent this closure.

A relief for the 76 current employees at the Bar-le-Duc site. The official announcement was made to them yesterday.

The management of Crédit Agricole de Lorraine and the Board of Directors have reconsidered the different possible options. They decided to maintain a site which will be located in Bar-le-Duc.

But it will not be the current site. The future site will be located in the heart of the town of Bar-le-Duc, as specified by the senator of Meuse, Franck Menonville.

For the trade union organizations, this is a good decision which ensures the maintenance of jobs in the Meuse. It is also a satisfaction and a relief for all the stakeholders in this matter, starting with the 76 employees concerned.

Support to prevent the closure of Crédit Agricole de Lorraine in Meuse

During the demonstration on November 29, nearly 350 people gathered in the streets of Bar-le-Duc. In addition, many colleagues at Crédit Agricole showed their support by going on strike. And a petition, relayed on social networks, since Monday December 2, had more than 1,000 signatories.

The strong mobilization demonstrated that the Meusiens were attached to Crédit Agricole de Lorraine. This could have been expressed in different ways.

From now on, employees are keen to return to their work “normally” to best serve their customers.

Find here the summary article of the struggle of employees and unions to maintain a Crédit Agricole de Lorraine site in Meuse: -haute-marne-le-credit-agricole-leaving-la-meuse-let’s leave it/64607/



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