The 2024 list of Lozère honeys

The 2024 list of Lozère honeys
The 2024 list of Lozère honeys


Credit : PollyDot de Pixabay

The Lozère honey competition was held a few days ago. The season was very complicated due to weather conditions. No harvest in spring or at the end of the season and a lot of work from March to the end of June to save the swarms. Fortunately, at the beginning of July, the bees were able to gather nectar and beautiful honeys could be harvested. No less than 63 samples of 10 different varieties were presented. Around ten juries made up of 4 or 5 experienced people chaired by a professional beekeeper for more than an hour tasted the honeys presented, evaluating them according to very rigorous criteria: visual aspect then olfactory, texture and of course the most important, the taste aspect.

It is the Gaec Ferme des Fraïsse which won the most medals with two silvers for Causse honey and honey from the Tarn gorges and gold for its true lavender honey.

The complete list :

For more than 50 hives :

Causses honey: 2 silver medals, one for Gaec de la Ferme des Fraïsses and one for Mathieu Philippe

Chestnut Honey: 1 gold medal for Mathieu Philippe, 2 bronze medals for Giral Philippe and Etienne Nathanaël

Bramble Honey: 1 silver medal for the Clos du Nid Association and 1 bronze medal for Rousset Isabelle

Honey from the Gorges du Tarn: 1 gold medal for Blanc David and 1 silver medal for Gaec from Ferme des Fraïsses

Callune heather honey: 1 gold medal for Gaec La Miellerie de Vielvic


Honey from Margeride Aubrac: 1 gold medal for Rousset Isabelle and 3 silver medals for Allain Christian, the Clod du Nid Association and Mendès José

Miel de Forêt: 1 gold medal for Mathieu Philippe, 2 silver medals for Gaec La Miellerie de Vielvic and Tichit Sébastien

Miel Sud Lozère: 1 gold medal for Tichit Sébastien

Sainfoin honey: 1 silver medal for Blanc David

Real Lavender Honey: 1 gold medal for Gaec de la Ferme des Fraïsses

For less than 50 hives:

Honey from Margeride Aubrac: 1 first prize for Albepart Frédéric

Miel Sud Lozère: 1 first prize for Gil Cellier

Chestnut Honey: 1 first prize for Folcher David



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