At the Chamber of Agriculture of Haute-, a last session before the elections against a backdrop of agricultural crisis

2019-2025. The current term of office of the Haute- Chamber of Agriculture is coming to an end. In January, elections for new members of the chambers of agriculture will be held throughout . So last week's session looked like a “stocktaking” in the words of President Bertrand Venteau during the press briefing that followed. But a session, too, against the backdrop of the agricultural crisis. Interview.

How did this session go, the last before the elections of the chambers of agriculture?

Obviously against the backdrop of an agricultural crisis and fairly strong demands. And then it is, in fact, the last of the mandate so we still had to take stock. Financially, without a rate increase since 2021, the room, economically, is in balance, which was already a big challenge. We have fewer employees but we have, despite everything, done more training. We also took stock of the water reserves created: forty developments whereas there were two or three per year before. We have also reached a milestone on photovoltaic buildings. But the subject, it's true, is what is happening today and that it is the way out of the crisis for the farmers who are in the doldrums, caught between everything. We can feel that the casserole is boiling.




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