The Union of butchers and caterers of the Lot and the Union of butchers and butchers-charcutiers-caterers co-organized under the aegis of the CGAD (General Confederation of Retail Food) and the Artisans of Lotois Taste, and for the second time, the competition for “Best semi-cooked foie gras”. Thus, on Wednesday November 28 in the premises of the caterer Saveur et Émotions in Maxou, seven participants were able to present two products: a semi-cooked foie gras with a traditional recipe, and a semi-cooked foie gras with a creative recipe.
The artisans were rated by a jury made up of professionals and partners or members of the artisan's house and the CGAD. The scoring criteria included presentation, appearance, odor, taste and chewiness. Chaired by David Blanco, the jury was composed of Jérôme Moulinou (president of the Lot pastry chefs), Robert Bonal (president of the Maison de la boulangerie), Gérard Bodi (president of the Croustilot brotherhood), Bernard Sauvagnac and Frédéric Cosneau (president of honor and director of the Maison de l'artisan). The foie gras of very good quality and prepared with great professionalism, could be tasted with Croustilot offered by the brotherhood.
The results for the traditional category: 1st Cocottes and Casserole (Luzech); 2nd Flavors and Emotion (Maxou); 3rd Jouclas caterer (Arcambal).
The results for the creative category: 1st Cocottes and Casserole (Luzech); 2nd Flavors and Emotion (Maxou) 3rd La Poêle gourmande
(Luzech). Also in the running were: Boucherie Flaujac (Cahors), Le Globe caterer (Cremps), Chez Ben (Saint-Germain-du-Bel-Air).
-The CGAD 46 and the Maison de l'artisan congratulate all the artisans who participated in the competitions as well as the members of the jury.
To find your caterer for the end-of-year celebrations and order your meals, quickly log on to the site: You can also find all the artisans of Goût Lotois on the Maison de l'artisan website:, “about us” section.