TOTEM – Brive Festival VS Festi'Malemort

TOTEM – Brive Festival VS Festi'Malemort
TOTEM – Brive Festival VS Festi'Malemort

On the one hand, the Brive Festival, soon 21 editions, 51,000 spectators last summer. On the other, the Festi Malemort, barely 4 years old which attracted 19,000 festival-goers in 2024.

So does competition exist?

To answer this question, Laurent Darthou, the mayor of Malemort at the origin of Festi Malemort, uses a rugby metaphor:

“You know, there is CA Brive and there is EVMBO, we both play rugby but we don’t play in the same division…So no, there is no competition.”

On the Brive Festival side, we admit that this question can be raised as long as the 2 meetings concern the same territory, moreover with a limited population; then for Stéphane Canarias, Festival Production director, you have to take precautions and keep your distance:

“Their announcement of going to a somewhat “bamboche” party around “Malemort derailment”, I find it brilliant and II think there is room for everyoneif we are able to find our uniqueness and be able to work in a complementary and not competitive way.”

2 festivals with their own identity

Cultivating your uniqueness is what the Lovely Brive Festival has been doing for over 20 years, an urban and especially feminine meeting2 out of 3 festival-goers are festival-goers:


” We, we try to be as consistent as possible » specifies Stéphane Canarias, “both in programming and in graphic design (…) in the services and activities that we offer at the event, with the Lovely Factory for example, we have make-up centers, clothes…”

The festi Malemort also has its identity and it was naturally created

“The Festi Malemort is a festival where we come with friends, we come to party, we come to relax » explains Laurent Darthou; “I’m not even sure that everyone hears the endings of the songs outside of the parties, it’s so much fun.”

For the moment, with 2 separate identities, the 2 festivals seem to be able to coexist. But be careful, the border is thin and Stéphane Canarias points out that on one side, there is a private company, on the other, a community.



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