In November, Parisians did not see much of the sun: here is the weather report for the month in the capital

In November, Parisians did not see much of the sun: here is the weather report for the month in the capital
In November, Parisians did not see much of the sun: here is the weather report for the month in the capital

There was very little sun in in November. This becomes clear when taking stock of the eleventh month of the year in the capital, based on the readings from the official Météo station located in Montsouris park, to the south of the city.

Only 46 hours and 29 minutes of sunshine were recorded in Paris between November 1 and 30. This corresponds to a significant deficit of 33% compared to the seasonal normal. The month as a whole, but the beginning in particular, was marked by a regular and lasting presence of fog and low clouds. This is how several days without rain show zero minutes of sunshine. This is for example the case for the weekend of November 2 and 3, Tuesday 5 or Friday 8. Later in the month, such as Friday 15, the readings also show zero minutes of sunshine. More logically, heavily rainy days like Tuesday 19 and Monday 25 also saw no minutes of sunshine.

Conversely, a few days were generously sunny. This is for example the case of Monday 4, with 8:16 hours of sunshine, or Wednesday 20, with 6:52 hours. The overall balance would show almost 19 hours less without the last three days of the month. This trio alone provided more than 40% of the sunshine for the month of November. The impression of a dull period is therefore largely confirmed by the figures.

Despite this, temperatures end up average. They show a deficit of only 0.1°C, which, statistically, does not allow us to say that Paris experienced a cooler month than the norm because the difference with the standards is not significant enough. The average maximum temperature thus reached 11°C against 11.1°C expected. Two days stand out for opposite reasons: on Sunday the 24th the maximum temperature was 17.3°C while on Thursday the 21st it was no more than 1.8°C. In the city center that day, however, it was about two degrees warmer.


The average minimum temperatures were a little higher than normal at 6.8°C, or 0.6°C higher than normal. However, the capital only experienced one day of frost with -0.7°C recorded on the night of Thursday 21 to Friday 22.

Finally, regarding precipitation, there is a deficit over the entire month. After a remarkably rainy start to autumn, only 44.5 mm fell on the city in November, or a little less than 45 liters per square meter. This is a total of 18% lower than normal. It generally rains around ten additional liters per square meter during this period. Two days saw intense rainfall, Tuesday 19 and Monday 25, with more than 10 mm of rain each.



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