to fight against student insecurity, high school students distribute meal and hygiene baskets for 1 euro

to fight against student insecurity, high school students distribute meal and hygiene baskets for 1 euro
to fight against student insecurity, high school students distribute meal and hygiene baskets for 1 euro

Originally, it was just a simple school project. Today, it has transformed into a valuable initiative. Grouped together in a cramped room on the Villeneuve-sur-Lot campus, Julian, Tom, Maxime, Achraf and Enzo, five students in their final year of professional baccalaureate in commerce and sales (MCVA) at L'Oustal high school, prepare food packages and hygiene. The objective: to distribute them, for 1 symbolic euro, to students in need.

“It’s a project on their initiative, supposed to validate their curriculum. They must highlight the skills acquired in professional sectors,” explains Sarah Gauthier-Châtelain, teacher at L’Oustal high school. But beyond the academic aspect, it is a real social need to which high school students have been responding for three weeks. Around 130 students have benefited from distributions twice a week, since November 13, at the connected campus and at L'Oustal high school. The money collected and the remaining products will subsequently be donated to the Food Bank, a partner of the operation.

Rice, pasta, cakes, shower gel…

Inside the plastic bags, they shared equally a whole bunch of products offered during a collection carried out at the Auchan store in Bias. Apart from easily perishable fresh products, high school students offer rice, pasta, soups, canned vegetables, shower gel and even shampoo. And to the abundant generosity of the Bias brand's customers, there was a massive and unexpected demand.

“It’s gratifying for us to see that they are happy to receive these packages. But we didn’t expect there to be so many young people in need,” confides Achraf. “It’s a large-scale project,” adds her teacher. We knew it was going to work, but not to this extent. They were surprised by the generosity of people during the collections, to see the quantity of foodstuffs donated and, above all, the products which are expensive and which are offered by people who do not always have the most means. It’s a project that meets a real need, beyond the skills they use. »

“Pedagogical work”

This Friday, November 29, was to mark the end of the distributions. But faced with demand, the young people chose to repeat the operation when they returned from their internship, in January. “They received a lot of support from the town hall, who wants this project to be continued by our first year students next year. It’s gratifying to see that the initiative will continue,” explains the teacher.

Within an establishment inaugurated in 2022, the connected campus is reserved for students wishing to follow a university course remotely, from Villeneuve-sur-Lot. Even if this helps to reduce the costs of living in big cities, some cannot escape precariousness.

I think that being a student today is a lot more difficult than it was thirty years ago”

“At first, they didn’t dare come,” confides Jonathan Chibois, campus coordinator. I had to battle earlier with a young person who thought he needed these packages less than anyone else. We need to do some educational work to make them feel comfortable. I had no doubt that it would work; there is a real need. There are students who live alone and who are struggling, others who live with their parents, in conditions of poverty which are quite sad. I think being a student today is much more difficult than it was thirty years ago. And yet, I thought I had struggled during my studies, but when I see their situation… And it's not specific to Villeneuve. »

These baskets are also seen as a way to fight against junk food: “It’s not ready-made food, it requires cooking,” continues Jonathan Chibois. Last time, students shared baskets to go together to prepare cookies at one of them's homes. It creates a positive dynamic on the issue of food and eating well. A connection too, and that frees up speech. »

Although this basket initiative is only just beginning, it already seems to be attracting other establishments: “I just got a phone call from Ifsi [Institut de formation en soins infirmiers, NDLR] from Villeneuve-sur-Lot, says Sarah Gauthier-Châtelain with a smile. They want to participate in the project and will invite their students to come during the distributions in January. »



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