A cultural development contract between the Intercom Singal-Suisse Normande and the Department

A cultural development contract between the Intercom Singal-Suisse Normande and the Department
A cultural development contract between the Intercom Singal-Suisse Normande and the Department

A territorial cultural development contract (CDCT) is a system of “three-year contracting” set up by the departmental council. “It aims to establish a real cultural policy on a territorial scale,” explains Clémentine Mouchel, vice-president of the Cingal-Suisse Normane community of communes, in charge of culture. The signing of this CDCT at the intercommunal level will result in financial and technical support from the Department.

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What are the orientations of this cultural policy?

They are based on three axes: the affirmation of a cultural policy around childhood, youth and artistic and cultural education; the strengthening and structuring of cultural facilities in the territory; supporting cultural actors and preserving the local associative fabric.

“A steering committee will be constituted to conduct this contractualization process explains Clémentine Mouchel. He will meet the least once a year. It will also be supported by a technical committee integrating the necessary resource people according to the needs and subjects that will emerge. »

The objective is to support the development and structuring of artistic and cultural activities in the municipalities of the community of municipalities (CDC). “The CDC will hire a cultural coordinator position in spring 2025 in order to manage and monitor the cultural projects which will be addressed by the technical committee and validated by the steering committee” , according to Clémentine Mouchel.

The development of artistic teaching in schools and out-of-school settings, the running of a public reading network, continued support for cultural associations through an annual call for projects and even the structuring of the music school's offerings are included. among the priorities of this program.

What is the funding?

The signing of the CDCT conditions the triggering of investment aid from the Department and cultural development credits that municipalities may be required to request. As for the position of cultural coordinator, it will be financed largely by the CDC. Hoping that it will not suffer from the budgetary constraints caused by the sharp reductions in state allocations in 2025.



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