In Vannes, a campus to train future agricultural advisors

In Vannes, a campus to train future agricultural advisors
In Vannes, a campus to train future agricultural advisors


Bertrand Dumarché

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 5:46 p.m.

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“The candidates were not jostling at the gate.” It is starting from this observation that the Agricultural Credit of Morbihan launched, in 2022, its own training course agricultural customer advisor. “It must be said that it is a complex profession,” explains Bertrand Le Hete, commercial coordinator for agricultural clients within the green bank. “For their farming clients, the account managers take care of the professional aspect, but also the private aspect: loans for the purchase of a car, investments, etc..” A dual skill that takes a little time to acquire.

Four months of training

The training takes place over 4 months. “Candidates can be recruited internally. They are then detached from their position for the duration of the training. If they come from outside, from an accounting center, from agricultural engineering training… their training is designed so that they also master basic banking services.”

An immersion

During the first three months, the week is divided between the headquarters, Valves, and an agency. From Tuesday to Friday, after self-study modules allowing them to acquire basic knowledge, they deepen their knowledge, passing through all the services that interact with the profession of agricultural advisor: risk management, electronic banking, etc.

And on Saturdays, they are immersed, as close as possible to the field. A full-time immersion in the 4th month, the learners joining one of the two agricultural advice centers in the department, East and West, with 19 experts and 9 agricultural customer advisors, supervised by two managers and two assistants.

Around ten trained advisors

“In just over a year, we will have trained around ten people: 3 in September 2022, 4 in May 2023. And 4 new learners will start next September,” says Bertrand Le Hete. Applications are made on a voluntary basis, with the number of places being assessed jointly by the agricultural department and human resources. “New profiles can also be identified during annual interviews.” And word of mouth was quick to spread, with the first learners conveying a good image of the training. “Today, we even have a waiting list!”

Videos: currently on -
Operational visit by colleagues and administrators from Crédit Agricole (from the local Caisse de Pluvigner) with employees from the Lely Center in Pontivy ©Terra

A new challenge

Jean-François Jehanno, 41, had already worked at Crédit Agricole du Morbihan for 17 years before applying to be an agricultural customer advisor. “From reception to individual customers, through real estate or assets, I have already held many positions. I wanted to take on a new challenge.”

Not coming from an agricultural background, he feels reassured by the campus, which offers him the time to train in this new profession, before taking up his position. “Agriculture is completely new to me.” What motivated him to apply? “I worked in agencies in the rural sector and I really liked the relationship with farmers’ customers. I wanted to go further, and discover their daily life. And it was the discussions with a colleague who was following this course and who was immersed in the agency where I worked, which reinforced my choice.”

An enriching training…

“I wasn’t wrong.” Daughter of farmers, Myriam Emeraud, 37, an employee for 12 years at Crédit Agricole, had many former farmers among her clients. “And it was my boss who told me that he could see me as an agricultural advisor. I hadn’t thought about it, but he was right.” And the training meets her expectations. “You discover all the services, which is extremely enriching.”

…and reassuring

“We have all the keys in hand to get started.” Arriving at Crédit Agricole three years ago, Jorann Guillemot, 27, worked for individuals in Cléguérec. “It’s a rural agency, and I really liked the relationship with the farmers.” The establishment of the campus offers him a new career opportunity. “I will arrive more serenely at my new position.”

New arrival at Crédit Agricole du Morbihan, after a move, it was at the Atlantique Vendée bank that Elodie Peltier, 37, discovered the job of agricultural customer manager. “I worked in an agency, in the Vendée countryside, where I met a lot of agricultural clients. And talking with an agricultural advisor made me want to do this job”. The opening of a new promotion, last May, came at just the right time. “I joined it as soon as I arrived in Morbihan. And I will be in post on August 1st, in La Roche-Bernard”. A stress-free start to the job, the training giving her the keys to this new job.

A unique campus in Brittany

For now, this campus is unique in Brittany. “We have also developed the same training for professional advisors,” adds Bertrand Le Hete. “With the same success: for now, around ten colleagues have been trained. And they are delighted.”

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