According to a survey by the CSA Institute for JDDEurope 1 and CNews, 48% of the population now says they are in favor of completely stopping immigration, seven points more than in 2021.
A major theme of the latest electoral events, immigration seems to increasingly polarize French society. According to a survey by the CSA* institute for Sunday Newspaper Europe 1 and CNews, 48% of the population now says they are in favor of “zero immigration”that is to say the total cessation of migratory flows towards France. If 51% of French people remain “against” (1% does not comment), the proportion of «pour» increased by seven points compared to the institute's last survey on the subject, in 2021.
The gap is small in all population categories. If men are more unfavorable to the complete cessation of immigration (55%), women are generally in favor (53%). Those under 35 also strongly favor the complete containment of migratory flows (51%), unlike those over 50 (52%). As for the professional criterion, the majority of CSP+ are against the idea of zero immigration (54%), while CSP- want it in the same proportions.
On the other hand, and unsurprisingly, opinions are much more clear-cut depending on political opinions. 79% of left-wing respondents are opposed to completely stopping immigration, with a peak of 88% among supporters of La France insoumise. The majority of supporters of the presidential majority (71%) are also opposed. Conversely, voters on the nationalist right overwhelmingly support zero immigration (83%). Those on the traditional right are much more divided, with 54% unfavorable opinions.
*This survey was carried out on November 21 among a representative sample of 1,011 people aged 18 and over.