A Moroccan-German alliance to produce and export green hydrogen

A Moroccan-German alliance to produce and export green hydrogen
A Moroccan-German alliance to produce and export green hydrogen

Morocco and Germany recently signed a joint climate and energy alliance in Berlin. The latter provides, among other things, for the construction of a plant capable of extracting a capacity of 10,000 tons of green hydrogen per year in the Kingdom.

With this partnership, initialed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita, the German Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development, Svenja Schulze and the Parliamentary State Secretary to of the Federal Minister for the Economy and Climate Protection, Stefan Wenzel, the two countries intend to deepen their cooperation in the development of the green hydrogen industry, electricity trade, decarbonization, adaptation climate and skills training.

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Concretely, Germany intends to take part in the construction of the first reference plant for the production of green hydrogen in Morocco, which should be completed in the coming years. This plant should produce around 10,000 tonnes of hydrogen per year, enough to generate 50,000 tonnes of green steel, the parties indicate, stressing that this project will promote the profitability of green hydrogen production in Africa and will strengthen the confidence of private investors in Morocco.

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“Morocco has excellent conditions to produce electricity from wind and sun, with which it can cover the needs of its own economy and, in the future, also start exporting green hydrogen to Germany,” stressed the German Federal Ministries of Economic Cooperation and Development and Economy and Climate Protection.



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