Stade Toulousain – Bordeaux-Bègles Final: the “red and black” reorganize, the UBB and the surprise bag… A great duel in perspective

Stade Toulousain – Bordeaux-Bègles Final: the “red and black” reorganize, the UBB and the surprise bag… A great duel in perspective
Stade Toulousain – Bordeaux-Bègles Final: the “red and black” reorganize, the UBB and the surprise bag… A great duel in perspective

the essential
On the Bordeaux side, Ben Tameifuna and Matthieu Jalibert, two injured who are no longer there. On the Toulouse side, three players fewer than in the semi-final.

Lourdes is finally closer to Bordeaux than we thought. Matthieu Jalibert, who had himself announced his end of season a few weeks ago, is announced as a starter against Romain Ntamack in a duel between promising players from the French XV. And Ben Tameifuna, who Jean-Baptiste Poux had declared forfeit on Monday evening, will also start the match.

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Two returns that change a lot of things within the UBB but that could also involve a small amount of risk if one or both of them were to get injured again very quickly during the match. For the moment, they are starters even if a bluff is always possible, with the withdrawal just before kick-off of one or both players upon presentation of a medical certificate…

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In any case, the UBB surprise package gives some momentum to the three-quarter line in which Matéo Garcia was, once again, unconvincing on Saturday evening against Stade Français.

UBB chooses power

Regarding the presence of Ben Tameifuna but also on the bench of that of Taufa (right-handed substitute), the guideline is clear: Yannick Bru wants to take Stade Toulousain in front. The cumulative absences of Baille and Meafou have given ideas to the former red-and-black hooker. The latter has also built a bench with six forwards and two three-quarters which opposes the bench with five forwards and three three-quarters of Stade Toulousain.

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Ugo Mola, as expected, led the same victorious team back to Bordeaux (except of course Cyril Baille replaced by Rodrigue Neti). It is on the bench that the changes take place: David Ainu’u now becomes a replacement on the left; Joel Merkler integrating the match sheet on the right. On the other hand, Toulouse’s plans were thwarted by Piula Faasalele’s vertebra injury.

Promotion for Vergé and first for Capuozzo

Forfeit, he leaves a hole on the bench at the second second-third line position next to Josh Brennan. So it’s promotion time for Ariégois Clément Vergé. The Toulouse staff preferred to stay with their usual distribution of five forwards and three three-quarters despite UBB’s 6-2.

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Matthis Lebel not being at 100% of his means, there was still a place next to Paul Costes, beaten like last week by Santiago Chocobares for a starting place. It is Ange Capuozzo who takes the precious strapontin. It will be his first match sheet in a final since he was not in the 23 last year in the championship final against La Rochelle and this year in the Champions Cup final.



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