Top 14 final against Bordeaux: Toulouse winger Matthis Lebel out

Top 14 final against Bordeaux: Toulouse winger Matthis Lebel out
Top 14 final against Bordeaux: Toulouse winger Matthis Lebel out

It was Ugo Mola who announced it during the pre-match conference this Thursday afternoon in Marseille. In addition to the long-term injured and Cyril Baille operated this weektwo players will not be able to be used during the Top 14 final this Friday, June 28 at the Vélodrome between Stade Toulousain and UBB: Matthis Lebel and Piula Faasalele.

Toulouse deprived of its best scorer

The winger was injured on June 21 during the semi-final against La Rochelle by registering his essay. He had entered the game. After his try, however, Matthis Lebel got up and finished his match as if nothing had happened. In reality, the best red and black scorer of the season blocked his back. We won’t see him again this season.

Piula Faasalele, 36, is also injured, announced Ugo Mola. The second row who will play next season in Biarritz will therefore no longer have the opportunity to wear the Toulouse jersey. The experienced Samoan had to compensate for the absence of Emmanuel Meafou, injured in the thigh for a month. Thibaud Flament and Richie Arnold will have to hold the helm in the second row, Josh Brennan and Clément Vergé being able to replace them.



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