Condemned to wage bill management, the HAC plagues – France – Le Havre AC

Condemned to wage bill management, the HAC plagues – France – Le Havre AC
Condemned to wage bill management, the HAC plagues – France – Le Havre AC

Strong words.

In a press release published this Thursday, Le Havre did not hold back from reacting to the DNCG’s decision to impose payroll regulations. “An announcement without surprise” to use the words of the HAC press release, which even speaks of a double penalty inflicted on the club, in reference to the agreement between the LFP and the CVC investment fund, of which the Le Havre president Jean-Michel Roussier had already publicly complained. “No one is any longer unaware that the HAC is the only Ligue 1 club not to have benefited from the funds negotiated as part of the agreement with CVC which was intended in particular to consolidate and strengthen the clubs’ own funds. The majority shareholder therefore had to replace this scandalous imbalance », regrets the Norman club.

Le HAC, 15e of Ligue 1 last season, took the opportunity to once again tackle the League by returning to « the bad soap opera around TV rights » which has weakened French clubs, including HAC, for whom this inflow of money is very often “the main source of revenue”.

We understand the bitterness.

TV rights: HAC president lights up Labrune and the LFP



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