experience the great moments of the relay to Metz

experience the great moments of the relay to Metz
experience the great moments of the relay to Metz

The Olympic flame crosses the Moselle, in Lorraine, this Thursday, June 27 with a departure in Meisenthal. The relay will mark seven stages until Metz, at the end of the afternoon. Follow with us the highlights of this relay.

For its 42nd stage, the Olympic flame stops in Moselle this Thursday, June 27, 2024. Meisenthal, Sarreguemines, Forbach, Apach, Yutz-Thionville, Scy-Chazelles and Metz receive the honors of the passage of the torch. Discover, in pictures, the highlights of this relay. The route can be followed on the official France.tv Paris 2024 channel.

No less than 110 flame bearers must take turns in the department. Metz is the stopover city of the Moselle journey, the one where the Olympic cauldron must be lit. The program and precise times for the passage of the Olympic flame in Moselle can be found here. Follow the progress of the relay in this updated article.

Scy-Chazelles and the house of the founding father of Europe: 6th stage

The relay could not miss a detour to Scy-Chazelles, where the former family home of the French statesman Robert Schuman (1886-1963), one of the founding fathers of Europe, is located. The flame travels through the village from 4:49 p.m., for around ten minutes.

duration of video: 00h00mn59s

The Moselle village of Scy-Chazelles is home to the house of the founding father of Europe, Robert Schuman. Follow the journey of the flame on the france.tv Paris 2024 channel: https://www.france.tv/paris-h24/direct.html

©France.tv Paris 2024

Yutz and Thionville: 5th stage

One of the stages of the passage of the Olympic flame in Moselle connects the municipalities of Yutz and Thionville. Direction Yutz, at 3:16 p.m. Five minutes later, Thierry Philipps from Mosella holds the Olympic flame, pushed by one of his friends. Suffering from Charcot’s disease, this former volunteer firefighter is the president of Vis l’instant present, an association which raises awareness of the disease.

video duration: 00h00mn49s

Mosellan Thierry Philipps, suffering from Charcot’s disease, carries the Olympic flame. Follow the journey of the flame on the france.tv Paris 2024 channel: https://www.france.tv/paris-h24/direct.html

©France.tv Paris 2024

Apach and the Germany-France-Luxembourg tripoint: 4th stage

The Olympic flame is now heading to the Germany-France-Luxembourg tripoint. This is where the borders of Germany (municipality of Perl), Luxembourg (Schengen) and France (Apach) meet. After Apach at 1:10 p.m., the procession arrives barely two minutes later in the municipality of Perl, in Germany. The arrival in Schengen, Luxembourg, takes place at 1:30 p.m., in the presence of the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra.

Forbach and its 13th century castle: 3rd stage

The flame arrives in Forbach at 11:18 a.m. About thirty minutes later, it proudly strolls at the foot of the Schlossberg castle, a building dating from the 13th century. century, which stands out for its 30-meter octagonal tower.

duration of the video: 00h00mn50s

The flame passes at the foot of the Schlossberg castle, the symbol of the town of Forbach, dating from the 13th century. Follow the journey of the flame on the france.tv Paris 2024 channel: https://www.france.tv/paris-h24/direct.html

©France.tv Paris 2024

Sarreguemines, town of earthenware: 2ᵉ stage

Direction Sarreguemines, a town renowned for its earthenware. Sarreguemines swimmer Aurélie Muller, double world champion in ten kilometers in open water, takes over at 9:28 a.m. in front of the Blies primary school. A few minutes later, at 9:56 a.m., it was wrestler Yannick Szczepaniak, bronze medalist at the 2008 Olympics, who took off.

duration of video: 00h01mn00s

Swimmer Aurélie Muller in Sarreguemines. Follow the journey of the flame on the france.tv Paris 2024 channel: https://www.france.tv/paris-h24/direct.html

©France.tv Paris 2024

Meisenthal, major site of glass art: 1ʳᵉ stage

Some got up very early to be sure to witness this unique moment. The flame began its journey in front of the international center for glass art in Meisenthal.

duration of video: 00h00mn55s

The Olympic flame crosses the Meisenthal glass art site. Follow the flame’s journey on the france.tv Paris 2024 channel: https://www.france.tv/paris-h24/direct.html

©France.tv Paris 2024

The torch was officially lit at 8:40 a.m. in front of this emblematic place, which has become an essential tourist and cultural hub in the region.

In Meisenthal, some got up very early to be sure to witness the passing of the flame.

© Christelle Rewiako, France Télévisions

In total, 10,000 people will take turns carrying the Olympic flame to Paris on July 26, 2024, the opening date of the Olympic Games which will end on August 11. The Paralympic Games will take place from August 28 to September 8.



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