The strike is called off at the Limoges slaughterhouse

The strike is called off at the Limoges slaughterhouse
The strike is called off at the Limoges slaughterhouse

At the end of a meeting this Tuesday with the director of the Limoges slaughterhouse and with the president of Limoges Métropole, the employees decided to end their strike started last Friday. The strikers obtained assurances that the tax increase, which some customers had not paid, will be invoiced and paid, which will enable the equipment to break even at the end of the year. A relief for the 75 employees who were worried about its sustainability.

The strikers also denounced the non-payment of numerous overtime hours in 2023. On this point, a meeting is planned for the next 15 days. In the meantime, part of these overtime hours will be used to cover the strike days.

Work to come… and a construction site on working time

According to Force Ouvrière, the president of Limoges Métropole Guillaume Guérin also committed to ensuring that the metropolis invests in work described as urgent by the union. This concerns the sewage treatment plant, as well as the slaughterhouse’s refrigeration systems. A project on working time has also been announced, because Limoges Métropole wishes to make it annual. A thorny subject on which discussions promise to be lively. “The subject has already been discussed several times, then abandoned” underlines Julien Mérigot, FO representative within the slaughterhouse, who nevertheless agrees to sit at the negotiating table, with the ambition of defending the interests of the site’s 75 employees.



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