Legislative elections 2024. Zemmour featured at the next Popular Front meeting in Lyon –

Legislative elections 2024. Zemmour featured at the next Popular Front meeting in Lyon –
Legislative elections 2024. Zemmour featured at the next Popular Front meeting in Lyon –

We’re expecting a lot of people at the far left meeting in Lyon – Photos DR

Text: Marco Polisson – Illustration of the saying “all extremes come together”, the 4 candidates of the New Popular Front of Lyon are preparing to welcome a guest as unexpected as they are controversial.

We do not know how they can justify occupying public space, but in this case it is on Place Jean Jaurès, Lyon 7ththatAnaïs Belouassa-Cherifi, Boris Tavernier, Marie-Charlotte Garin et Sandrine Runel are organizing a meeting this Wednesday, June 26, from 6 p.m.

The advantage is on two levels: no room to rent, therefore less expenses, and the certainty of certain visibility. On the program: “meeting, guests from civil society, association stands, music, activities for children, catering and refreshment bar, dialogue with candidates and press briefing. »

One Zemmour can hide another

The first three speakers announced: the journalist Giulia Foïsan anonymous trade unionist (and undoubtedly trade union professional) and economist Michaël… Zemmourand not the editorialist and politician, named Eric. The two men are not related even if certain conspiracy sites leave the father-son ambiguity lingering.

They only have in common their surname originating from North Africa. Politically, the two men are polar opposites. Lecturer in economics at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and co-director of the “Socio-fiscal policies” axis, Michael Zemmour is a figure among economists marked to the left of the left, hence his proximity and his invitation to meeting of the extreme left.

Big bang fiscal en gestation

In his speech, there will certainly be talk of the return of the ISF and the 14 income tax brackets that the New Popular Front wants to institute in the event of victory. “In its electoral program, the coalition of left-wing parties foresees a fiscal big bang, if it manages to win Matignon, at the end of the early legislative elections, on July 7. A project that would plunge households, by a leap in time, into the heart of Mitterrandian France. » relates Jean-Victor SemeraroIn The gallery.

Unknown to the general public, “Michaël Zemmour emerged during the pension reform”, reveals the weekly Marianne. According to our colleagues at Lyon Tribunehe has just joined Lyon as a teacher-researcher at the Université Lumière Lyon II where he co-supervises the master’s degree in Labor Economics and Human Resources with Laure Bazzoli et Damien Sauze. Confirming the feeling of a faculty that is still very politicized… on the left, of course.

Also not to be confused with the singer Mickael Paul Zemourson of the criminal Edgar Zemour (1937-1983), himself a member of the Zemour Brothers gang and assassinated in Miami on April 8, 1983.



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