Near Nice, Airbnb in turmoil: hotels demanding 9.2 million euros

Near Nice, Airbnb in turmoil: hotels demanding 9.2 million euros
Near Nice, Airbnb in turmoil: hotels demanding 9.2 million euros


Manon Reinhardt

Published on

June 21, 2024 at 2:19 p.m.

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Several hotel establishments have taken legal action against the seasonal rental platform Airbnb, including a hotel located in Villefranche-sur-Mer near Nice (Alpes-Maritimes). In total, there are 26 owners claiming compensation for “unfair competition”.

At issue: the absence of collection and declaration of tourist tax. They are asking 9.2 million euros from the American multinational.

The Welcome hotel is one of them

This is a subject regularly brought to the table on the Côte d’Azur. Christian Estrosi, mayor of Nice, notably banned the installation of key boxes for Airbnb accommodation on public roads, Christophe Trojani, mayor of Villefranche-sur-Mer, decided to limit seasonal rental to a tax home and for a duration of 6 years.

This time, it’s the hoteliers themselves who are stepping up to the plate. There are 26 establishments to have taken Airbnb to court for ” unfair competition “. The Welcome hotel in the seaside resort bordering Nice is one of them.

“This competition is unfair because we are a regulated activity. We have a classification with stars with standards of safety, service, quality,” explained Charles Galbois, general manager of the 4-star Villefranchois hotel to our colleagues at TF1.

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Accusations denied by Airbnb

This collective action, supported by the Umih union, brings together independent hotels but also heavyweights in the sector such as Ibis, Best Western, and Kyriad. These professionals ask 9.2 million euros.

According to hoteliers, it seems that Airbnb does not respect the obligations in force regarding the tourist tax. But they also blame him the absence of mention of the registration number on certain advertisements, upon observation by a bailiff.

Accusations that the rental platform denies. “Airbnb has allowed many families to earn around 3,800 euros on average, and municipalities to collect 187 million euros in tourist tax, in 2023 alone,” she told theAFP. The hearing will be held on July 6.

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