In the north of , exiles demonstrate their desire to cross the Channel

In the north of , exiles demonstrate their desire to cross the Channel
In the north of France, exiles demonstrate their desire to cross the Channel

Since January, nearly 32,000 people have illegally crossed the Channel, the sea that separates northern and England. This is already more than in the whole of 2023. The month of October and its mild weather saw more than 5,200 people reach British shores, a monthly record since the phenomenon began in 2018. With its macabre counterpart, Around sixty people died, an unprecedented figure.

Despite the dangers and living conditions in the makeshift camps on the northern coasts of Francemore and more exiles want to take the risk of crossing the Channel. About thirty kilometers from , based in Wimereux, at the exit of this small upscale seaside resort in Pas-de-Calais, a group of exiles ready to take to the sea responded to RFI.

A report from our special correspondent in Wimereux to be found in its entirety in Accents d'Europe.

Also read“I'm not afraid of dying”: to cross the Channel, migrants take ever greater risks



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