For more than 25 years, the Confédération paysanne has denounced the abuses of free trade agreements “favoring multinationals at the expense of farmers and territories”. Faced with threats from the EU-Mercosur agreement, the union calls for mobilization on November 13 in front of two McDonald's in Aveyron “to defend sustainable and inclusive agriculture”.
“The Confédération paysanne is the agricultural union that has always fought against the WTO and free trade agreements designed to benefit multinationals.
Since the famous dismantling of the McDonald's in Millau and the Seattle summit in 1999, for 25 years we have been warning, often alone in the agricultural world, about the ravages of this liberal logic which sees territories as a playground and people and women as pawns in the international market.
On the contrary, we advocate a fair and equitable organization of international trade, which stops putting farmers around the world in competition, contributing to climate change and trampling on human rights.
The EU-Mercosur agreement poses serious threats to French agriculture:
- drop in prices of agricultural products
- increase in imports mainly of meat and honey
- unfair competition due to incomparable social and environmental production conditions
- worsening climate change…
But this free trade agreement is not the only one at issue, it is all free trade agreements that need to be called into question to respond to the causes of agricultural anger.
Unlike the FNSEA which uses opposition to the EU-Mercosur agreement to hide its disastrous record on the current economic orientation that it supported in Paris and Brussels (via COPA-COGECA).
What we denounce to the Peasant Confederation is the logic inherent in these free trade agreements which delocalize our production.
The Confederation continues to fight on the political level, the legal level and the mobilization level against these free trade agreements which are destroying the future of our countryside and our planet.
In order to assert this overall historical coherence in its positioning, the Aveyron Peasant Confederation is organizing mobilizations in front of two McDonald's in our department.
We give you an appointment Wednesday November 13 at 11:30 a.m.
- In Millau: 809 avenue du Languedoc Rd, D809, 12100 Millau
- In Villefranche: Route de Montauban, 12200 Villefranche-de-Rouergue