Press release from France Insoumise

Press release from France Insoumise
Press release from France Insoumise

This Thursday evening, after 4 days of intense discussion, the New Popular Front agreement was signed by France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, the Ecologists and the PCF. It includes a government program of nearly 150 measures and unique candidacies across all constituencies in the country.

Insoumise France worked with all its strength to enable this gathering. She made considerable gestures in the negotiation, in particular by agreeing to concede nearly 100 constituencies to our partners compared to the agreement which was signed in 2022.

In the wake of this agreement, the electoral committee of France Insoumise, after accelerated hearings of our departmental loops, proceeded with the investitures of France Insoumise in the 230 constituencies provided for by our agreement.

The electoral committee of France Insoumise has chosen to remain faithful to the spirit of the New Popular Front by widely opening our candidacies to figures from the trade union, associative or citizen world, and by extending the agreements with its partner organizations (Picardie Standing Up, Emancipation, etc.).

To be credible in this approach, he took the important decision to propose these important opening candidacies in favorable constituencies. This while taking into account the personal life requirements of the new candidates, by not renewing the nominations of all our outgoing deputies, whom we thank for the work carried out in the National Assembly. Contrary to what we read in the press, they were well informed before publication.

It is also a choice of consistency since several outgoing non-invested deputies have on several occasions expressed in the press their desire to join at the end of the European elections another group and another approach than that of France insoumise . A choice of coherence for the life of the future parliamentary group, too often paralyzed in the past by political games. When governing, consistency is not a luxury but a requirement.

For its part, does La France insoumise place restrictions on the choices of its partners? Under the signed agreement, each organization is responsible for the nominations it grants. Repeating defamatory refrains against rebels does not contribute in any way to our campaign, and the only ones responsible are those who are guilty of it.

We remember that we are facing a historic challenge that goes beyond personal questions. The challenge is to make the new Popular Front win: this is our only objective for the days that separate us from next June 30!



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