Hérault: discover the winners of Artinovart’s, the competition which celebrates artisanal innovation

Hérault: discover the winners of Artinovart’s, the competition which celebrates artisanal innovation
Hérault: discover the winners of Artinovart’s, the competition which celebrates artisanal innovation


Metropolitan Editorial

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.

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There Hérault Chamber of Trades and Crafts hosted the grand final of the 14th edition ofArtinovart’sthe trophies of artisanal innovation and development, at its Montpellier headquarters, this Thursday, June 6.

The purpose of such an operation? Distinguish, every 2 years, “the nuggets of Hérault craftsmanship”, according to Christian Poujol, president of the CMA34. And for the winners, gain notoriety and visibility, in particular by being invited free of charge to Chamber events.

This year, out of 54 candidates selected, 13 were rewarded during this evening.

The laureats

Among the 13 winners, note the distinctions:

  • In the Artistic Crafts category: Frédérique Domergue in Lunel who creates art furniture. www.frederiquedomergue.fr
  • In the commercial dynamic category: Frédéric Roussel from Lo Nardo in Fabrègues who developed his activity around wooden doors and windows. wwwlonardo.fr
  • In the winning development category: Nicolas Robinson, for Vinaigrerie Montpellieraine in Matelles. vinaigrerie-montpellieraine.fr
  • In the innovation category: Guillaume Toutain in Villeneuve les Maguelone for his solutions to produce seats that improve the seating of disabled people. Toutain Orthopedics
  • In the new entrepreneur category: Zoe Schoeder and the Gintage brand, in Saint André de Sangonis. This thirty-year-old concocts a spirit with a new taste offered in a magnificent bottle. gintage.fr
  • In the responsible entrepreneur category: Green’ing in Hérépian which develops natural colors for textiles, cosmetics, biomaterials, inks and other fine arts products in France and internationally. wwww.green-ingredients.com
  • Special digital engagement prize: Inès Réception for her catering activity, using digital tools such as modeling. https://inesreception.com
  • Special prize for woman of the year: Alizé Seckler in Saint Sériès, a former nurse who converted to dry stone walling 7 years ago.
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Master craftsman

The Chamber also took the opportunity to honor the master craftsmen of the Department. A notable title since only 300 artisans in Hérault benefit from this quality. The following have obtained the prestigious title of master craftsman for this year:

  • Jean-Claude Polito, master canner in Sète
  • Georgian Stanciu, master saddle maker in Castries
  • Bernard Bourgoin, master artisan baker in Lodève
  • Jacques Tison, master cheese refiner in Béziers

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