a spotlight on forgotten dogs

SOCIETY / SOLIDARITY / The APAHD shelter in Embrun shot a video to raise awareness and to go “beyond prejudices and appearances” on dogs whose days pass and who do not attract the attention of families

– High mountains –

Let the gaze fall on them again. The APAHD, an animal protection association from Haute-Durance based in Embrun, published a video a few days ago on social networks to raise awareness among the population. Due to their age, state of health or even their breed, some dogs are not adopted. A sad observation that the shelter nevertheless makes every day.

A video like a spotlight on animals that no one watches

Paco, Mino, Horka and Mouchka have been in the APAHD shelter for several years. A total of 39 dogs currently live there. Animals between 3 and 17 years old. And among them, four types of dogs are not or very rarely adopted, notes Audrey Dantas, the head of the Embrun animal shelter, “for a year, a year and a half, we have had a lot of dogs coming in, staff type, hunting dogs or even old dogs. They have a lot of problems: physical or psychological. They stay in shelters because it takes time to get them back on their feet and people absolutely don’t look back on them. There are also sick dogs. We have an adorable dog but he is a hunting type and also sick. He’s extraordinary but people don’t look back on him », adds the manager.

“These are dogs that stay in shelters for a very, very long time and sometimes even die there,” A. Dantas

For the head of the shelter, the observation is all the more obvious since post-Covid, “ many have taken in dogs during COVID. They were young, they remained locked up, they did not socialize. Today they have more problems. »

A video to go beyond “prejudices and appearances”

So the shelter decided to shoot a video with these animals. Images to raise awareness and to go “ beyond prejudices and appearances “. The APAHD reminds that none of these animals chose to end up there and that they have just as much love to give as others despite illness or mistreatment. Today, more than half of the shelter has staff dogs, hunting dogs, elderly dogs or even sick dogs, explains Audrey Dantas.

To help these animals you can adopt or sponsor!

To give a little love to all these doggies, you can choose to sponsor them. You thus contribute to their well-being. Dogs up for adoption can be found on the shelter’s website or on the Facebook page. It is also possible to visit them every afternoon, seven days a week. The APAHD is also hoping for new volunteers. Note that this year, work must be carried out at the shelter, as part of the Region’s recovery plan, for an amount of 180,000 euros.



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