here Comps (30300): continuous news and information from your city

here Comps (30300): continuous news and information from your city
here Comps (30300): continuous news and information from your city

The city: Comps

Characteristics and practical information about the inhabitants of Comps

In 2018, Comps had 1,777 inhabitants. Its density reached 212.1 inhabitants/square kilometer for 8.38 km² of surface area. Among the municipalities of the department, this municipality therefore occupied 50th place in terms of population density.

Discover some practical information on the Comps real estate portfolio

To accommodate all its residents, Comps has nearly 830 housing units. With approximately 1,800 inhabitants and an area of ​​8.38 km², the municipality has a population density of 212.1 inhabitants per km² and a residential density of 1 log/ha. They are both higher than those of the department (126.9 inhabitants/km² and 0.7 log/ha).

What are the characteristics of the distribution of housing within the locality

At the city level, there are currently a greater share of owners than renters. Around 75% of main residences are occupied by owners compared to 24.8% occupied by tenants (including 2.5% free of charge). Among the homes in Comps, 5.2% are second homes, 6.4% are vacant homes and 88.4% are primary residences. Most households moved into the municipality between 10 and 19 years ago.

Characteristics and practical information on the rooms of the local housing

The vast majority of housing in the municipality is houses (91.7%). Family houses with 4 rooms are the most numerous. They represent 37.9% of these and have a surface area mainly between 80 and 100 m². There are also many houses with 5 rooms (24.8%). They were mainly built between 1971 and 1990. As for the apartments, there are 68 of them (or 8.2% of housing); they are mainly composed of 3 pieces. Most often, their surface area is between 60 and 80 m². The apartments are, for the most part, more than a century old.

Discover the key tax figures from Comps

The locality of Comps has a total of 959 tax households. Around 52.3% of these households are not taxable. This figure is slightly lower than that of the department which is 56%. The median annual income of tax households amounts to €20,900, or €660 more than that of Gard. The income tax for residents is on average €1,100 per household. The latter is therefore lower than that of Gard which amounts to €1,325. Furthermore, 332 households (or 34.6%) report receiving a pension or retirement.

Characteristics and practical information about employment at Comps

In Comps, the activity rate stood at 75.79% as of December 31, 2018: there were 842 active people out of 1,111 inhabitants aged over 15. In proportion, there were then approximately as many workers as in the rest of , where the activity rate was 71.9%.

There were 94 unemployed among the municipality's active population, representing an unemployment rate of 11.16%. This is 2.06 points more than at the national level, where the unemployment rate reached 9.1%.



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