“astonishment” among Deux-Sévrien politicians after the announcement of the dissolution

“astonishment” among Deux-Sévrien politicians after the announcement of the dissolution
“astonishment” among Deux-Sévrien politicians after the announcement of the dissolution

It was “too angry” to do it: the Niortais Lélio Moreau, whose name appeared in 38e position on the Pirate Party list, ultimately did not want to react just after the results of the European elections on the evening of Sunday June 9, 2024. The announcement, by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, to dissolve the National Assembly everything jostled.

Because this reaction also symbolized the ” surprise “ which struck the political world, that of Deux-Sèvres included, when it was not “astonishment”. Even in the presidential Renaissance party: “Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar!” will insist Jean-Marie Fiévet, the deputy for the third constituency. I’ve been an MP for six years, we’ve been talking about it for six years… But the fact is there. The announcement was brutal, no one was prepared for it, I didn’t see it coming. »

“Emergency is never a good advisor”

Bastien Marchive, from the Radical Party, confirms: the deputy for the first constituency even thinks that President Macron “takes a political risk”. But, he continues, “I will never resign myself to seeing the National Rally govern France and Jordan Bardella be its prime minister.” So, the elected official announces it: he will return to contact the Deux-Sévriens with a view to the first round, scheduled for next Sunday June 30, one week to the day before the second.

Same choice for her counterpart in the second constituency, Delphine Batho, of Génération Écologie: “I have my work cut out for me because it’s not like a classic campaign, especially with the timetable that has been given! » Jean-Marie Fiévet does not know if he will return: “There, I think especially of my colleagues, who no longer have a job. I don’t even know how it happens…”

“A bit of a mess”

Beyond the surprise effect, the “dangerousness” of President Macron’s option is denounced, especially on the left of the Deux-Sèvres political spectrum. Starting with Nathalie Lanzi, 28e on the list of the Socialist Party and Place publique, and first federal party of the PS here.

In addition, “in these precipitous circumstances, there will not really be a campaign, estimates the Mauléonnaise Élisabeth Jutel, who was placed in 52e position on the United Left list of the French Communist Party. Emmanuel Macron is, in fact, holding out a ladder to the RN for cohabitation with them. I call for a gathering of the entire left to try to have a strong left opposition in the National Assembly.”

“In the starting blocks”

“I find that Emmanuel Macron is playing a dangerous game”, insists Juliette Woillez, the spokesperson for La France insoumise in the department. Armelle Cassin, the president of the Republicans in Deux-Sèvres, acknowledges having “was taken by surprise”, as ” everyone. This is a bit of a mess; urgency is never a good advisor. The legislative elections cannot be prepared in three weeks! I’m worried “.

Quite the opposite of Olivier Guibert: the departmental delegate of the National Rally savors both the victory in the European elections, with 29.76% in Deux-Sèvres, and the dissolution. For a long time, especially since the repeated use of article 49.3 by former Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne and the multiplication of motions of censure against this same government, “we had planned a Matignon plan. So we were already in the starting blocks: all the logistics are there, with the applications. We are ready to go back to the campaign” from Monday June 10, 2024.



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