Childhood illness in the Marne. The avenues ruled out and those which are still under study: an update on the investigation

Childhood illness in the Marne. The avenues ruled out and those which are still under study: an update on the investigation
Childhood illness in the Marne. The avenues ruled out and those which are still under study: an update on the investigation

This is “the” question that everyone is asking in Fère-Champenoise (Marne): where are the investigations? Since Thursday May 30, 2024, mysterious illnesses have been affecting children in the town. This Friday, June 7, in a press release, the Marne prefecture draws up an initial assessment.

1. What avenues have been ruled out?

According to the prefecture, five hypotheses are now prohibited. Firstly that of food poisoning and contamination of the water fountain. It seems that chemicals are not the cause of the discomfort either. “No chemical products detected by the recognition devices of the Metz firefighters”, write the state services. Nor are irritating natural sources to blame. “No allergenic plant essence or irritant species identified by Atmo and Fredon specialists”adds the press release.

What about human or agricultural activities? According to the prefecture, “no activity or installation suspected by Dreal” is not mentioned. Finally, we already knew it, carbon monoxide poisoning has been ruled out “with regard to the analysis methodology used and confirmed by the laboratories of the different hospital centers”.

2. What is the next research?

Epidemiological and health investigations are underway, says the Marne prefecture. This will result in a survey of families and adults concerned. “to finalize an epidemiological synthesis by Santé Publique France”.

The second investigation will focus on indoor and outdoor air quality. While they were expected on Monday June 10, finally, the first air analysis sensors were installed this Friday June 7 in Fère-Champenoise. One of them was positioned in front of the nursery school.

This sensor analyzes the air in front of the Fère-Champenoise nursery school. – Pacôme Bassien

More sensors will arrive on Monday. Installed over a specific period of time, they should help reveal what is causing children’s discomfort. However, around ten days of data processing will be necessary.

3. When will schools reopen?

The reopening of schools will be decided after receipt of the results of the ongoing investigations. A “information meeting will be organized with parents and school professionals”announces the prefecture.

In the meantime, elementary school students will be welcomed at the Stéphane-Mallarmé college and at the Maison des associations. Kindergarten students will have distance learning classes. The municipality will organize a minimum reception service for children who are without childcare solutions.

Note that the listening unit set up since the beginning of the week by National Education received 38 people, including 17 children.



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