The Service itinerant bus will stop at Étoges

The Service itinerant bus will stop at Étoges
The France Service itinerant bus will stop at Étoges

The Service bus will hold its last two hours of 2024, on November 22 and December 20, from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

It is on Place Oberweier that Karen Paré, reception and support manager, will park the bus. It will be open to the public free of charge and without appointment.

Organized by the department, this system allows a return of public service to the heart of the territories. Advice, help, support to carry out administrative procedures, the France Service bus aims to be a local place for everyone. For half a day per month, two social workers from the Department specially trained to support the public provide a response to users in an atypical and pleasant place.

The France service bus provides access to IT tools and assistance with everyday digital needs. The agents on site can rely on a network of professionals, eleven of whom are partners of the structure, in particular, the CAF, the CPAM, France Travail, the MSA, Public Finances… as well as the State services, the Department or the MDPH (Departmental House for Disabled Persons).

Redo your registration card, prepare for your retirement, create your Ameli account, residents of Étoges or not, everyone can go to the France service office when the bus is present in the village square, near the supermarket.

Information: [email protected] or 03 26 69 52 87




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