a hundred young people contributed to the writing of a tourist thriller

a hundred young people contributed to the writing of a tourist thriller
a hundred young people contributed to the writing of a tourist thriller

Bertrand Puar dedicated the news to the students with whom he worked during the school year. – Photo credit: RADIO6

Elise Leclercq
07:35 – June 06, 2024

Young Samarians contributed to the writing of a tourist thriller. This thriller is called “Investigation in the Somme Valley: Black Water Lilies”. The book takes the form of a short story co-written by around a hundred students from the Collège des Cygnes in Longpré-les-Corps-Saints and the Boucher-de-Perthes high school in Abbeville, with their teachers and Bertrand Puard, writer from children’s literature.

This little book which relates a mysterious pollution of the marshes has just been released. The fruit of seven long months of work between the students and Bertrand Puard, children’s novelist

An experience much appreciated by the students

Anthology at the RADIO6 microphone by Elise Leclercq

This story is the third in a series co-written by local students and authors of children’s literature. Next year, the experience will be repeated a 4th time with new classes

Nathalie Vilnais, cultural mediator, librarian in the Abbeville media libraries, initiator of the project

The short story “Investigation in the Somme Valley: the Black Water Lilies” was published in 2000 copies. It will be available in tourist and cultural places in the Baie de Somme area.

This writing project is supported by the Abbeville media libraries, with financial support from the DRAC des Hauts-de-France, the Hauts-de-France Regional Council and the Somme Department.



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