telephone scams in progress in Fère-Champenoise

telephone scams in progress in Fère-Champenoise
telephone scams in progress in Fère-Champenoise

Some people don’t waste time! While a mysterious illness strikes children in Fère-Champenoise, in the south of the Marne, canvassers contact residents to offer to measure the air quality in their homes. However, this is a scam.

As a reminder, nursery and elementary school students in the town of 2,170 inhabitants suffered from headaches and stomach aches, as well as itching and vomiting when they went to the canteen. Despite analyses, these discomforts remain unexplained.

While the whole of France follows the continuation of the investigations day by day, the municipality warns: “The municipality has not ordered any service to monitor air quality among residents”certifies Mayor Gérard Gorisse.

So, how do these dishonest sellers proceed? “It started Tuesday June 4, 2024 in the morning. Former mayor Mr. Hardy was called. They wanted to have an appointment to measure the air quality and offer him equipment. They say they are calling on behalf of the town hall, but that is not true”assures the city councilor.

There is “no recommendation” towards the population, assured Tuesday June 4 the prefect of Marne

On social networks, residents also indicate that they have been contacted. The phenomenon also affects neighboring municipalities, including Gourgançon. “They called four times today”testifies an Internet user. “They called my neighbor, and if you refuse it’s a €400 fine”advances a Ferton on the canvas.

Note that the next air readings authorized at Fère-Champenoise are those from Atmo. “The sensors will be fixed, inside school buildings and in the open air in the route taken by the students”, pointed out Henri Prévost, prefect of Marne, during a press point on Tuesday. He also claimed that“no recommendation” towards the population is not currently requested.



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