80th anniversary of the Landing. Cotentin: an XXL gathering of German military vehicles


Ludovic Ameline

Published on

June 4, 2024 at 8:10 p.m.

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Never one public event has not gathered so many German military vehicles. This Tuesday June 4, 2024the Notek column stopped at the Normandy Victory Museum in Catz (Manche) as part of the 80e anniversary of the Landing.

More than 150 vehicles in in a perfect state walking had made the trip: sidecars, motorcycles, kubelwagens but also Schwimm amphibious vehiclesparticularly well suited to Russian frontwhere the paths were too muddy to be accessible to other vehicles.

Collectors from everywhere

An impressive convoy which came to join thecarriage exhibition And artillery. Something to delight the passionate.

Several dozen sidecars appeared on the list of participants. ©Ludovic AMELINE

THE collectors came from all over France, but also from Belgiumof Swissd‘Italy and especially from Germany.

Every year, on June 6, they travel the Normandy in the footsteps of fighting of 1944. All the participants in this commemorative convoy are much more than simple enthusiasts of old machines.

The visitors were over the moon seeing so many beautiful mechanisms. ©Ludovic AMELINE

“We are here to share our passion for the story, explains Jurgend Weismüller, originally from Keizerslautern in Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany). I accompany my uncle who owns a BMW sidecar. A model often visible in many war films. This is the second time I have come to the area. I am always amazed to see that this type of historical reconstruction is successful with all generations. »

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The Harley Davidsons were there.
The Harley Davidsons were faithful to the appointment. ©Ludovic AMELINE

Around 150 vintage Harley Davidson motorcycles joined the day as part of the 80th Liberator’s Run War Horse. They also paraded on the Cotentin roads.

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