The college in this town of Seine-et-Marne will be renovated

The college in this town of Seine-et-Marne will be renovated
The college in this town of Seine-et-Marne will be renovated


Paul Varenguin

Published on

May 24, 2024 at 5:41 p.m.

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A few months of work in perspective for a college almost new. From this summer, the Jean Jaurès college of Brou-sur-Chantereine (Seine-et-Marne) will undergo a makeover, with the rehabilitation of a prefab buildingbut also the demolition of another building prefabricated, which will be replaced by a new construction. Presentation.


Today, the Brou-sur-Chantereine college has a capacity of 300 places and works with twelve divisions. However, it works with a voltage for unmarked roomsand a room dedicated to technology, located in the basement and today lit by skylights. “With the project, the technology room is movedand an additional unmarked room is created,” explains Xavier Vanderbise, vice-president of the Department in charge of colleges, and also mayor of Courtry.

Likewise, prefabricated buildingsinstalled in the playground, are today dilapidated, and he is necessary to do some work. Air and water tightnessthermal insulation, replacement of heating for some devices more economical and efficient, the challenges are multiple.

Destructions and construction

In details, several projects are planned. Over the summer period of 2024, we will find the rehabilitation of a prefabricated building, the one located along the nursery school playground. Thus, an envelope in unique metallic material will be installed on the facade and roof, allowing no intervention on asbestos materials.

At the same time, there will be the demolition of the prefabricated building installed along Market Street. It will, subsequently, be replaced by a brand new building, on R+1, almost on the site of the previously demolished building. “We will find in this building a lodge, an infirmary, but also a PMR WCthe office of supervisors or even classrooms,” he lists.

During the duration of the work, temporary premises will be installed in the courtyard of the college to enable its proper functioning. The end of all of these operations should be completed by August 2025.

“Reflections are underway with the town hall of Brou-sur-Chantereine to increase the capacity of the college with 400 places for the start of the 2032 school yearand allow Breuil students to stay in their community,” warns Xavier Vanderbise. See you now in a few months to know the progress of this project.

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